A list of all winners of the Emergent Ventures program

Emergent Ventures is a program from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University run by Tyler Cowen, who is a professor of economics at GMU and an author of the blog Marginal Revolution.

(The India arm of Emergent Ventures is lead by Shruti Rajagopalan, herself an EV winner)

The mission of Emergent Ventures is to “jumpstart high-risk, high-reward ideas that advance prosperity, opportunity, and wellbeing” and in pursuit of that mission the program has supported a great variety of projects ranging from career development grants to board games to online publications advancing the idea of progress to the studies of nuclear fusion and biology, with the grants ranging in size from just a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.

The bottom line is: if you have a project that will somehow (even very indirectly) help you advance humanity and you’re okay with the program being partly funded by Thiel Foundation, you should apply – the application has just three questions and should only take several hours – and it might just change your life.

In his new essay, Petri Bio’s Tony Kulesa explains why he believes that “Tyler Cowen is the best curator of talent in the world”.

Given that Emergent Ventures was the first and the second and the third funder of Alexey’s research into the structures of science that eventually resulted in him starting New Science, we read Tony’s essay with great interest and decided to supplement it with a database of all winners of Emergent Ventures announced by Tyler on Marginal Revolution – presented below.

The entire database is also available as a Google Sheet and all of the Emergent Ventures winners announcements are listed in an appendix. Twitter list of all winners is available here.

Let us know if you have any suggestions for the data to add and feel free to add suggestions directly to the spreadsheet if you see missing data.

Appendix: Emergent Winners announcements